Lighting is an important way to set the mood for your wedding, as certain colours and lighting types can add warmth and drama to your venue, however it can distort the way your makeup can be perceived.
If you are thinking about using colour filters to enhance your colour theme or using specific lighting please follow my lighting, colour, makeup guidelines;
Types of Lighting and Effects on Makeup
Tungsten artificial Light - Creates Orange/Yellow cast that dulls blue tones and darkens reds.
Florescent Light - Creates a Green Cast that removes the warmth from colours.
Natural Daylight - Creates a Bluish cast.
Coloured Light Effect on Makeup
Pink - Warms most colours but makes Blues and Greens appear Grey.
Red - Red tones appear lighter, Green shades appear darker, Blue becomes darker and Greyer.
Green - Darkens Red, lightens Green, Blue appears dark Green and Purple appears darker.
Violet - Turns most shades Orange, Browns appear darker and Greens appear Grey.
Yellow - Blues and Greens appear Grey.
Peach - Warms the skin but does not change makeup colours.
Helen xoxo